Embarking on the journey from uncertain school leaver to a skilled craftsman, Zakory Jones shares his success story, revealing how an apprenticeship has not only shaped his career but also helped build his future aspirations.
Zak says, “I didn’t know what career path to take after school, but I wanted something hands-on and something to improve my physical skillset.” A carpentry apprenticeship opened a whole new world for him, helping him appreciate listed and heritage properties and setting him on a clear career path for the future.
His enthusiasm for being an apprentice is the ability to gain a qualification and hands-on experience in a suitable working environment. Unlike university, Zak highlights the unique aspect of earning while learning, an invaluable advantage that apprenticeships offer.
For those considering an apprenticeship, his advice is straightforward: “Absolutely go for it! There’s such a vast variety of options to choose from in many different fields of work.” Attending career fairs and events showcasing various apprenticeships provides a sneak peek into what to expect, helps decide what to do.
Zak’s apprenticeship journey began as a concrete shutter alongside his brother, constructing temporary moulds to hold wet concrete. However, his quest for the ideal work environment led him through multiple employers until he discovered his passion for heritage buildings. “I pursued this apprenticeship to gain a great qualification and learn a very valuable life skill.”
Skills Group, his chosen training provider and employer, has played a pivotal role in his success. “I’ve had lots of support from the trainers, and the facilities are industry-standard,” he notes, emphasizing the importance of a good learning environment.
Looking ahead, Zak plans on expanding his skills, building a construction portfolio, taking on other trades, and, in five years, taking on the role of a mentor. “I would love to have the opportunity to teach my own apprentice and give them a successful work path,” he envisions, capturing the core of success – it’s not just about personal achievements but also about wanting to help others succeed.
If you’ve been inspired by Zak’s story or want to know more about an Apprenticeship with Skills Group, take a look here: https://www.skillsgroupuk.com/learner